Maine Stormwater Conference: Call for Presenters

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The 2024 Maine Stormwater Conference will be held on September 5th and 6th at the Holiday Inn by the Bay in Portland, Maine.

Call for Presenters

Please submit your 2024 Maine Stormwater Conference presentation proposal by Friday, February 9, 2024. This year's conference theme is "Adapting for the Coming Storms".

Presentations should align with at least one of the following topics:

  1. Municipal stormwater management

  2. Planning and ordinances

  3. Green infrastructure

  4. Low impact development

  5. Wetland/floodplain habitat protection/restoration

  6. Regulations and standards

  7. BMP design, installation, maintenance, and retrofits

  8. Education, outreach, and collaboration

  9. Adapting for climate change

  10. Pollution mitigation

  11. Stormwater asset management

  12. Accessing capital for infrastructure, conservation, and land management


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